PVMI Researcher Meeting: The New Mobility

November 16, 2018 at Sanjo Kaikan Building, University of Tokyo

Partial List of Research Presentations
“Trust 4.0? How Digitization Transforms Buyer-Supplier Relationships”
Katharina Badenhausen, Rotterdam School of Management

“Diffusing Digital Supply Chain Management Tools: The Role of Trust and Power in Successful Implementation.”
Merieke Stevens, Rotterdam School of Management

“Future Mobility at Hyundai Motor”
Ki-Chan Kim, Catholic University of Korea

“How Is the E-Traction Value Chain Affected By EV Scale-Up?”
Marc Alochet and Christophe Midler, Ecole Polytechnique

“Data-Driven Exploration of Innovation Opportunities for Autonomous Vehicles and Aircraft”
Jianxi Luo, Singapore University of Technology and Design

“Past and Current Mobility Research Findings, e.g., Connected Car, Mobile Tech, Car OS”
Masanori Yasumoto, Jimmy Shiu, and Shanke Wang, Yokohama National University

“Are Network Externalities Oversold? Lessons on Ecosystem Strategies from the Evolution of Ride-Hailing in SE Asia”
Nina Teng, London Business School

“Why Do Responses To New Ecosystems Differ? OEM Divergence to The Ride-Hailing Threat”
Michael Jacobides, London Business School

“Ecosystem Orchestrators: Using Temporary Business Models for Capability-Building”
Johan Wallin, Synocus (Finland)

“Connecting the Ground and the High Sky: Automotive Data Networks from CAN to Ethernet (Internal) and from DSRC to 5G (External)”
John Paul MacDuffie, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania